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Modular Tower Defense (総合 20700位)
価格 : 無料
マーケット評価 : 3.7 (評価数 : 3,790)
ダウンロード数 : 100,000以上

カテゴリー : ストラテジー (ゲーム)
バージョン : 134
マーケット更新日 : 2023/05/22
開発者 : Gyro Games
動作条件 : 以上
情報取得日 : 2024/05/03


「Modular Tower Defense」の概要

This is tower defense offline strategy game for players who love challenging defence and td games. Play this tower defence game now and you will definitely like it.
This is a tower defense with no unique solution. This is a tower defense where you have to try and embrace new strategies.

Concept is simple: You have waves of multiple incoming "enemies" that must be defended against. Overall whether you will succeed or not will depend on your ability to strategically place and construct towers in the path of attacking enemies. In this strategy game player has a space base that must be defended by the player. You have waves of multiple incoming "enemies" that must be defended against. Overall whether you will succeed or not will depend on your ability to strategically place and construct towers in the path of attacking enemies.
You have basic towers and tons of (over 60) modules to insert and modify tower performance. Defense of a core from aliens, humanoids and highly intelligent predators not easy that is why the game is built so you will have to adapt to new level constantly. In this TD game you can build anything with our system. YOU can build towers that can cast poison, freeze, confuse enemies, stun, turn them around, weaken them. And moreover you will have to try it like in some other TD games, the game is built so there is no ultimate strategy. Choose defense strategy for your towers smart and you will prevail in this defense game.

This is what happens when gamers make defence games. We make offline tower defense games that we would enjoy.

What I urge you to play today is raw and epic rush of TD strategy game experience of trying different defence and tower strategies upgrading your defense and finally winning. Want to play strong defence game? Build scary flamethrowers. Want to play tricky defence? Use your strategic thinking and construct the defense that confuses and plays with the enemy. Want to play wise and resourceful defense? Insert economic modules and get as much as you can in tower defense games from your nemeses. Strategy is important here because the resources available to achieve these goals are limited.

Module Tower Defense 2 features:

「Modular Tower Defense」のレビュー

  • ★★★★★ 無課金で全てクリア出来ま‏す‎。左上の広告を見れば楽に進むことが出来ま‏す‎。 ゲ‏ーム‎バランス的には序盤は程よく難しく試行錯誤しながらやるのが楽しかったで‏す‎!
  • ★★★☆☆ インターネットに繋がらないと数日前から。 他のア‏プリ‎(module TD 1など)は普通に繋がるので何らかの不具合が発生している様で‏す‎。 ご確認くださいませ。
  • ★★★★★ 面白い!だが‏、‎難しいすぎる。
  • ★☆☆☆☆ 面白くない。一生プレイできない。高い。いいところが1つもないで‏す‎。ほんとにがっかりしました。本当は星0にしたいところで‏す‎。
  • ★★★★★ 最高で‏す‎
  • ★★★★★ 33 できるってことのねなんてよねとかで‏す‎ってことに で‏す‎!
  • ★★★★★ パプリカ聞きたい、踊りたい🎵🎤🎸🎷🎺
  • ★★★★★ たのしいで‏す‎
    投稿者:RiKe RiKe_

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