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Mountain Climb 4x4 : Car Drive (総合 21036位)
価格 : 無料
マーケット評価 : 3.8 (評価数 : 421,000)
ダウンロード数 : 100,000,000以上

カテゴリー : レース (ゲーム)
バージョン : 9.94
マーケット更新日 : 2024/01/16
開発者 : Silevel Games Ltd
動作条件 : 以上
情報取得日 : 2024/05/16


「Mountain Climb 4x4 : Car Drive」の概要

Mountain Climb 4x4 : Offroad Car Drive is a realistic simulation and racing game that you need to climb hills by overcoming the obstacles by an off-road vehicle. You should reach the hill as soon as possible by collecting all the coins on your way in the stage, and complete the stage successfully. You have to do your best to avoid falling from a cliff and facing an obstacle, while trying to reach the hill. You will be addicted to this game with its stages having difficulties and features different from each other, which receive continual updates.


- An environment where the physics laws completely prevail! Cars go wherever you want them to go, and do whatever you want them to do.

- 5 different models of cars which have technical and hardware specifications different from each other (new cars are added continually)

- Modify some specifications of cars such as handling, motor and brake,

「Mountain Climb 4x4 : Car Drive」のレビュー

  • ★★★☆☆ スリルがあるけど、宙に浮いた道はリアリティーに欠けるかな。
  • ★★★★★ やっと90に、とどいた😃✌️おもしろいゲ一ムで‏す‎。むずかしな⤵️ハンドルさばき😜
  • ★★★★☆ 適度に遊ぶなら面白い。

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