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Amino Acid Quiz (総合 16764位)
価格 : 無料
マーケット評価 : 4.9 (評価数 : 662)
ダウンロード数 : 100,000以上

カテゴリー : 教育 (アプリケーション)
バージョン : 1.4.1
マーケット更新日 : 2023/08/28
開発者 : Atlas Educational Software
動作条件 : 以上
情報取得日 : 2024/05/16


「Amino Acid Quiz」の概要



Test and improve your knowledge of the 20 standard amino acids using the customizable quizzes available in the Amino Acid Quiz app.

Multiple choice quizzes are available in six question and answer configurations:

- Name to Structural Formula
- Name to 1-Letter Code

「Amino Acid Quiz」のレビュー

  • ★★★★★ お気に入りのア‏プリ‎で新旧タブレットとスマホでいつも愛用していま‏す‎。
  • ★★★★★ 暗記に最適!
    投稿者:K ZM
  • ★★★★★ Fantastic software! It is pretty simple app, but it helped me a lot for memorizing all 20 AA finally. I especially like the function that you can select number of AAs you want to study at a time:D PS. advert is also modest :P Thanks a lot for sharing.
    投稿者:T S
  • ★★★★☆ 專業版解鎖程序。 除了消除免費版的內置廣告外,其他的多半沒啥差異。
  • ★★☆☆☆ I tried to transfer data from Xperia XZ1 Compact to Xperia XZ1 many times by Wi-Fi direct, but Wi-Fi direct can't connect. It can connect via Wi-Fi AP(same network), but the data transfer is stopped many times, so tap the resume, but it stopped again...

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