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登録アプリ 75,342件 更新日時 2025/03/07 04:14
Everyone Speak Kids
価格: 無料
market評価: 3.0
(評価数: 0)

ダウンロード数: 5,000以上
カテゴリー:教育 (アプリケーション)
開発者:NE Neungyule, Inc
動作条件:6.0 以上

■ 概要
Everyone Speak! Kids
Everyone、Speak! Kids is a three-level speaking series for low-beginner students。 The series「specially designed games and activities allow students to gain speaking confidence in fun and engaging ways。 With its cheerful songs and chants、and attractive illustrations、each lesson captures students「attention while stimulating their imagination。 Focusing on basic key words and expressions、students can take their first steps toward becoming strong English speakers with Everyone Speaks! Kids。

?High-frequency key words and expressions build speaking fluency
?Show-and-tell presentations improve students「public speaking skills
?Engaging hands-on activities make learning how to speak English enjoyable
?Fun and challenging speaking tasks allow students to gain speaking confidence
?Cheerful songs and chants familiarize students with basic key words and expressions
?Lively cartoons introduce conversations and role-play situations

Everyone Speak! Kidsは?
?話す自信を得ることができる楽しさ、様々なhands-on activitiesが収録されています。
?Public speaking skillsの基礎を築くことができるShow and tell学習法が適用されました。

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