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登録アプリ 75,345件 更新日時 2025/03/11 03:58
Betternet VPN - Hotspot Proxy
価格: 無料
market評価: 4.3
(評価数: 1,340,000)

ダウンロード数: 50,000,000以上
カテゴリー:ツール (アプリケーション)
開発者:Betternet, LLC
動作条件:8.0 以上

■ 概要
Betternet VPN is a free and unlimited VPN (Virtual Private Network) proxy for Android devices - no registration needed. Free version shows ads. Upgrade to premium to enjoy unlimited and ad-free VPN!

Install Betternet VPN for the following features:

? Unblocked Websites and Apps

You can unblock any apps or websites using Betternet free & unlimited VPN. Bypass government censorship and geo-restrictions to access social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Snapchat, etc. or any other blocked websites from anywhere!

? Anonymous Connection and Privacy Protection

Using a VPN, your IP and location will be changed and your activities can no longer be tracked on the Internet. Betternet VPN service is your privacy guard and better than web proxy servers.

? Secure Your Device

Betternet secures your Android device’s connection while you’re connected to public WiFi hotspots or cellular data networks. It works just like a free proxy but it’s even more secured. Your password and your personal data are secured and you are protected from hacker attacks.

? Super Fast Speed

Betternet is fast! It detects your location automatically and connects you to the nearest and fastest server. As a result, your connection will be much faster than any other VPN or proxy providers.

? WiFi Hotspot Shield

Public Wi-Fi hotspots are perfect places for hackers and if they happen to get a hold of your personal information, you could very well be the next victim of identity theft!

Betternet VPN proxy uses advanced VPN technology to encrypt your network traffic, enabling you to connect to a website via HTTPS, providing a secured shield to your WiFi hotspot.

Contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach us on or visit our website for more information.

By the way, don’t forget to follow our twitter account @betternet_co and Facebook to stay tuned.

■ マーケットレビュー
  • ★★★★☆ プレミアム版をとても安く契約できます。ダークモードへの変更と日本語設定ができれば、完璧です。
  • ★★☆☆☆ 7日間のみの無料トライアルがありますがそれを使うにはストアに行って月額1400円の定期購入を申し込まなければいけない。解除すれば良いけどトライアルにストアでの支払いは抵抗あるのでアンインストール。
    投稿者:W C
  • ★★★☆☆ エラー報告です。 3日前からアプリ開くと【問題が発生した為、Betternetを終了します。】と表示され全く使えません。
  • 星[[[[[null評価:JPY",""]],null,[null,"購入"],null,1,[null,null,null,null,null,[null,null,""]],null,["CAE="],null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[]]],["インストール"],null,["CgYKBENBRT0="]]]],[2],null,[1,true,false],["¥120〜¥12,000/アイテム
  • 星[[[[[null評価:JPY",""]],null,[null,"購入"],null,1,[null,null,null,null,null,[null,null,""]],null,["CAE="],null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[]]],["インストール"],null,["CgYKBENBRT0="]]]],[2],null,[1,true,false],["¥90〜¥150/アイテム
  • 星[[[[[null評価:JPY",""]],null,[null,"購入"],null,1,[null,null,null,null,null,[null,null,""]],null,["CAE="],null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[]]],["インストール"],null,["CgYKBENBRT0="]]]],[2],null,[1,true,false],["¥110〜¥15,300/アイテム
  • 星[[[[[null評価:JPY",""]],null,[null,"購入"],null,1,[null,null,null,null,null,[null,null,""]],null,["CAE="],null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[]]],["インストール"],null,["CgYKBENBRT0="]]]],[2],null,[1,true,false],["¥310〜¥2,990/アイテム
  • 星[[[[[null評価:JPY",""]],null,[null,"購入"],null,1,[null,null,null,null,null,[null,null,""]],null,["CAE="],null,null,null,null,null,null,null,[]]],["インストール"],null,["CgYKBENBRT0="]]]],[2],null,[1,true,false],["¥170〜¥17,000/アイテム
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