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Yomiwa - カメラか手書きで英訳アプリ (総合 9715位)
価格 : 無料
マーケット評価 : 4.6 (評価数 : 4,680)
ダウンロード数 : 500,000以上

カテゴリー : 教育 (アプリケーション)
バージョン : 4.3.4
マーケット更新日 : 2024/03/23
開発者 : Yomiwa
動作条件 : 4.1 以上
情報取得日 : 2024/04/26


「Yomiwa - カメラか手書きで英訳アプリ」の概要

Yomiwa is a fast and complete offline Japanese dictionary, including all modern features. Yomiwa also comes with powerful Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology which lets you recognize over 4000 Japanese characters (Kanjis, Hiraganas and Katakanas) providing Japanese translations and detailed word informations into many target languages. The app displays a pop-up with translations and definitions of words and kanjis as soon as you point to Japanese characters with your smartphone or tablet. You can also take a picture or pick one from your library and navigate it to translate chosen characters. Yomiwa also has a built-in drawing feature for you to draw and translate Japanese characters on your touch-screen with very high accuracy.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithms have been developed in-house and continuously improved over the past 6 years in order to run efficiently on most Android devices without requiring an internet connection.

• A complete and powerful built-in dictionary with full informations about words, kanjis (on-yomi, kun-yomi, meaning, stroke order etc.) and example sentences.
• Several target languages available: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Hungarian, Dutch, Slovene, Swedish and Hungarian.
• Search definitions from any kind of alphabet: Kanjis / Hiraganas / Katakanas / Romajis. You can search from Japanese words or from foreign words.
• Input characters by: Drawing / Radical search / Keyboard
• A powerful Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine which lets you translate Japanese characters with your camera or from your camera roll pictures ($ / one week free. Only need to pay once.)
• A proper names database (such as people names, places, locations...)

「Yomiwa - カメラか手書きで英訳アプリ」のレビュー

  • ★★★★★ 日本語を勉強している外国人としてこ‏の‎ア‏プリ‎とても便利で使いやすいで‏す‎!!特にブラウザーの機能が大好きで‏す‎。歌詞とかニュースとか読むとき便利で助かりま‏す‎。これからjlptテストの読解パートはもう怖くないと思いま‏す‎。素敵なア‏プリ‎を製作してくれてありがとうございま‏す‎!もちろん今premium versionを使っていま‏す‎(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
    投稿者:Chanisara L
  • ★★★☆☆ 今一スキャンの感度が悪い(誤認識が多い)
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ア‏プリ‎でなんかの単語を調べると突然クラッシュする
    投稿者:Valerio “TheXSELECTOR” Sonnino

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