★☆☆☆☆ It's always going to give you al almost perfect score but "no quiet there" even though, checking the details, I got 95% on words but overall 9% when it was 92% overall. Terrible app
投稿者:Mariano Zorrilla
★★★☆☆ Would be amazing if it allowed us to chose which English accent we're aiming for: british, irish, scottish, us southern... Is sadly exclusively basic AE oriented. Quite spot on when it comes to origins though.
★★★★★ ストレージのデータを削除しても、FB同期データを削除しても、ゲストログインした時に以前使っていたデータが復元されてから始まってしまいます。完全新規で始めたいのに新規で始められません、なぜ?【追記】Thank you for your quick response. Thanks to you. I was able to start with new data.