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UPDATE : 2024/05/07 03:36
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Uphold: Buy BTC, ETH and 260+ (総合 49466位)
価格 : 無料
マーケット評価 : 3.6 (評価数 : 49,000)
ダウンロード数 : 5,000,000以上

カテゴリー : ファイナンス (アプリケーション)
バージョン : 5.40.0
マーケット更新日 : 2024/05/02
開発者 : Uphold
動作条件 : 6.0 以上
情報取得日 : 2024/05/07


「Uphold: Buy BTC, ETH and 260+」の概要

Uphold is a global, multi-asset digital trading platform with more than 10M users. Our mobile app allows you to purchase and sell 260+ cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, XRP, XDC, DAG, ADS, CSPR & QNT), 27 national currencies, and 4 precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium).

Uphold specializes in hard-to-find cryptocurrency assets most platforms don’t make available, giving you opportunities to grab the newest tokens before everyone else!

Uphold charges low fees* for deposits and withdrawals! Our smart routing algorithm sources assets from 26 different exchanges, finding you the lowest price for every order you place.

Uphold is the only digital assets platform to publish assets and liabilities in real-time online. Your money stays where it should be, in your wallet! We’re always 100%+ reserved so your funds are available to withdraw any time you want.

「Uphold: Buy BTC, ETH and 260+」のレビュー

  • ★★★★☆ 以前はお世話になり有り難う御座いました_(^^;)ゞまた登録したいと思いインストールしたので‏す‎が登録出来ませんでした。その点だけが残念で‏す‎。
  • ★★★☆☆ It's an okay app. It is very user unfriendly for chasing out. I was able to fix it by changing the authentication app to Authy. Hope this helps ppl.
    投稿者:Yuki T
  • ★☆☆☆☆ Suddenly, the terms and conditions changed and I couldn't withdraw money without presenting my passport. (For some reason, I can still make deposits). I requested a refund from support, but it hasn't been processed at all after two weeks. (They said it would be processed within 72 hours). I asked them why, but they ignored me. I can't even log into my account. This is the worst company I have ever dealt with.

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