★★★☆☆ I can't update virus database for over 3monthes. It says "Unexpected error while updating the database. Please try again later." I owned three android phones(they does not have valid sim) and install and use this app, but if this situation continues, I would like to use another security app. Please inprove it. I'm japanese, so my english may have some wrong thing, please don't care of them. 英語で書くのは疲れます…これでサポートがリプしてくれればいいのですが。 ウイルスデータベースのアップデートができなくなって早数カ月。「 Unexpected error while updating the database. Please try again later. 」の表示に見慣れてきましたが、やっぱり改善してほしいもの。どうにかなりませんかねぇ?