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Gun Rules : Warrior's Fury (総合 42933位) ※2022/08/03時点
価格 : 無料
マーケット評価 : 3.0 (評価数 : 5,520)
ダウンロード数 : 1,000,000以上

カテゴリー : アクション (ゲーム)
バージョン : 1.1.4
マーケット更新日 : 2020/07/06
開発者 : JoyMore GAME
動作条件 : 4.1 以上
情報取得日 : 2022/08/03


「Gun Rules : Warrior's Fury」の概要

Dear hero, glad that you coming to the final trial battlegrounds. After completing this trial, you will become a member of the anti-terrorism team. Take up your weapon and seize your glory.
In this foggy Town, and there's no other survivor except you. You're running in this forgotten battlegrounds. All the experienced warriors have been infected by the zombies in the battlegrounds for the same kind.
When you feel the breath of danger, don't hesitate to pick up your gun to shooting. As the only survivor of this forgotten battlegrounds, the blood on your body that makes zombies feel crazy. They want infect you but you must resolutely assimilation, the arms back, let them know that you are the most powerful warrior, the whole town is full of fog timely infected zombies, but you need to make sure that you can still blaze a new trail, won the final victory in the battle with the zombie war.
Control to move. Don't be easily approached by the zombie. You are a doomed hero. A strong talent can make you aware of the existence of a zombie breath. You need to do is believe in yourself, then aim, shoot and fire.
The game is easy to play. You only need to control the hero to move. When aim the zombie, the weapon will fire automatically. The exciting battle rhythm will give you a surge of adrenaline, using TPS is third person shooter shooting mode, headshot collocation and flexible positioning, will let you in the field of zombies to enjoy the most pure gaming experience.
Pay attention to all the zombie dogs from all sides. They have extremely fast speed. You need to be vigilant at all times, to aim and fire as soon as they are close.
Upgrade your repository, and you need to ensure that you are faster and stronger in order to survive in the battlegrounds.
Hero, please start the third person fight, let all the zombies caught and fled the battlegrounds.

Flexibly to control and move

「Gun Rules : Warrior's Fury」のレビュー

  • ★☆☆☆☆ スタミナ無しでトコトン遊べる。操作性はバッチリなTPS視点ゲ‏ーム‎。マイナス評価として任意で広告を見てダブル報酬貰える所は素晴らしいと思いましたが‏、‎ネックは任意広告選択肢があるにも関わらず直後の強制広告。ローディング移行前の強制広告…頻繁過ぎて良心的ではありません。ステージ1クリアしてアンインストールしました。 トータル的にこちらの制作会社のTPSならデス インベーション サバイバルは任意広告のみ、グラフィックも爽快感も別格。そちらをおススメ
  • ★☆☆☆☆ これはゴミゲ‏ーム‎、ほとんどのゾンビが胸辺りまで地中に沈み込んでおりなかには完全に地中に入り込んでいる者も、こちらの攻撃は当たらないのにゾンビの攻撃だけ当たるうえにどこまでもついてきてなぶり殺しにされるクソゲー
  • ★☆☆☆☆ 何かやるたびに広告、広告、広告。酷すぎてゲ‏ーム‎にならない。

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