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Wizard Duel (総合 24355位) ※2022/08/18時点
価格 : 無料
マーケット評価 : 4.1 (評価数 : 0)
ダウンロード数 : 100,000以上

カテゴリー : カジュアル (ゲーム)
バージョン :
マーケット更新日 : 2022/04/12
開発者 : Harha Studios
動作条件 : 4.4 以上
情報取得日 : 2022/08/18


「Wizard Duel」の概要

You have been chosen to attend the great Wizard Duels! Duels are held in real-time with real witches and wizards around the world. After you have joined the duels, you can also explore the mysterious castle where all the contests are held. You can meet other players and freely move & look around. You will find new fun spells to do in the castle that can lift up entire bookshelves or break them apart.

Magic Spells & More

When you are experienced enough, you will also learn the Werewolf, Runes, and Dragon spell. For example, you can surprise other players by turning into a werewolf in the castle or during your duels.

Game Features:

Wizard Duel is a magical version of the classic rock-paper-scissors game played by Witches and Wizards. The game has a worldwide PvP. Rules are simple: Cast one spell that is stronger than the opponent's spell, and you will win the round. Play against other witches and wizards around the world and conquer the leaderboard!

• After 50 duels you will learn the runes spell

「Wizard Duel」のレビュー

  • ★★☆☆☆ シンプルで面白いジャンケンゲ‏ーム‎。 が,オンライン対戦は過疎ってるのかマッチングに時間がかかる事が多く若干ストレス。 対戦中通信状態が悪くなった場合待機画面に移動されるけど,不利になった相手が対戦放棄して無反応状態になっても不戦勝にならず...仕切り直すには相手が落ちるかこちらが落ちるかの根比べという謎仕様。 ゲ‏ーム‎自体は面白いのに致命的なストレスポイントがちらほら。心底残念。

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