★★★★☆ Play Passを利用してダウンロード。昔遊んだPSゲームを思い出しながら楽しんでました。違うのは味のパラメーターが数値化されて分かりやすいのと、お店のレイアウトが出来る点。 でも違う具材を合わせた方がバーガーの完成度が高くなる仕様で、現実にあるパティやチーズの3枚盛りみたいなのをやりづらいのと、ソースが一種類しか使えないのが個人的気になった。あと一度作ったバーガーをいくつか履歴として保存される機能があったら改良や再販とかがしやすいなぁとも思った。
★★★★★ Great! Katakana were such a pain until I looked around and found this app. A solid hour of drilling, and I am now about as good with them as I am with hiragana, which helps a lot because it's hard to get by without katakana, despite how infrequently one encounters them. Thanks!
★★☆☆☆ I loved this app, but since they updated the design it only have gotten worse. The app worked perfectly fine before and looked great. The best feature of this application was that you were able to test yourself by manually inputing katakana with your keyboard. This feature is just gone now.
投稿者:Andreas L
★★★★☆ Great app, but the whole application is stretched to fit phones with longer screens and it can look a little distorted.