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Solitaire + Card Game by Zynga (総合 60956位)
価格 : 無料
マーケット評価 : 4.1 (評価数 : 640,000)
ダウンロード数 : 50,000,000以上

カテゴリー : カード (ゲーム)
バージョン : 11.0.1
マーケット更新日 : 2024/02/23
開発者 : Zynga
動作条件 : 以上
情報取得日 : 2024/04/24


「Solitaire + Card Game by Zynga」の概要

Discover a solitaire game online, with Zynga Solitaire! From Zynga Games, the creators of Zynga poker, play a fun, friendly game. The solitaire card game is a puzzle game which trains your brain with classic solitaire experience. It is an offline game which you can play anytime. This classic solitaire game is the best free solitaire game app. Download the popular patience game that your friends are talking about! Enjoy a game by yourself, or save your score to play card games with friends. Zynga offers free solitaire card games for ipad, tablets and all phone devices, play solitaire anytime, anywhere! Enjoy these solitaire games free on your phone.

If you like our solitaire Klondike game, you should try additional solitaire games by Zynga like spider solitaire, freecell solitaire, solitaire pyramid and the best of classic card games.
Pyramid Solitaire - this free solitaire game will stack up differently than you expect! Remove pairs of cards that add up to 13 in this solitaire puzzle! FreeCell Solitaire - utilize free spaces (cells) as you stack up each suit from Ace to King in this patience solitaire card game. Prove your skill by beating the puzzles in this full deck solitaire variation!

Solitaire Classic - shuffle up grand free solitaire card games as you play this top relaxing game.

Looking to learn how to play solitaire? There's no better place to learn your suits than with classic solitaire 2022. Harvest cards to make stacks of suites with real solitaire free.
Never tried solitaire? If you love other tabletop games or puzzle games this solitaire free game is perfect for you!

There’s an additional type of Solitaire - Solitaire 21

「Solitaire + Card Game by Zynga」のレビュー

  • ★★★★☆ トランプゲ‏ーム‎と言えば今のところこれ以外は考えられません。逆に言うと、一番やり易くて面白くて癒しにもなるのがこれで‏す‎。
  • ★★★★☆ 新しいゲ‏ーム‎を始める前の広告、本当に止めて欲しい。それさえなければ、いつもやる
  • ★★☆☆☆ シャッフル機能が増えたのに、広告に繋がらないとかで使えないんで‏す‎けど。

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